Safemails.Net Landing Page

Safemails.Net is joining businesses and people into network of safe emails featuring privacy, phishing and malware protection end-to-end with zero emailing habit change. It is just transparent, secure and fast on any device, operating system and platform.

All email communication with your contacts (and attachments) is encrypted forever. No need password to remember and nothing to install on your device.
(Techies: You get encryption keys on all devices (but they are still private). Even your private keys are stolen, government of hackers cannot read your past emails.)

Just imagine you put unbreakable privacy shield on your email communication like PGP but without its complications so even your grandma can use it. It is just Whatsapp for emailing.

Come join the Safemails.Net to hit cybercrime together and bring back your privacy from the governments and cyber criminals.

Update 03.09.2018: We haven’t launched yet but we admitting people into private beta. It is our pleasure to keep you updated about beta program and launch (your email stays private forever)